Investigation of Moharebeh and Fyalarez corruption from the point of view of jurisprudence and law of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Specialized scientific


Mofid University


 The Islamic Penal Code approved in 1992 contains many innovations. One of these 
innovations is in the field of war and corruption. 
 In the former Islamic Penal Code, Moharebeh and Corruption in the Earth were used in 
one article and in the same meaning, but in the new law, these two titles are separated and 
are given in two articles with two completely different meanings. 
What has caused the discussion in legal circles is the difference of jurists regarding war and 
corruption in the land, that the punishment related to this crime contained in the law is 
contrary to the opinion of famous jurists, and because the punishment of such a crime is 
very heavy and irreparable, it causes the jurists to be more sensitive. And contemporary 
jurists have been in this matter. 
 In this article, an attempt has been made to examine these differences and their causes and 
the different opinions of jurists and jurists regarding this crime to the extent of the author's 
scientific ability
