Investigation of public diplomacy (Hasbara) of the Zionist regime

Document Type : Specialized scientific


1 Student of Imam Hossein University

2 Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran


Since its inception in recent years, the Zionist regime has been able to send a positive image of itself to Western countries through measures such as peace talks with the Oslo peace negotiators. But with the start of the Second Intifada and its aftermath during the 33-day war and the Gaza war, Israel's foreign credibility, according to regime officials, was largely destroyed; This led critics to attribute the lack of a proper policy in the area of ​​public diplomacy to the regime; Therefore, since this date and with the coming to power of Benjamin Netanyahu, many changes have taken place in the foreign policy of the Zionist regime, which has resulted in the intensification of the Zionist regime's public diplomacy activities. , Methods and actors active in the public diplomacy of the Zionist regime. The results of the research show that most of the activities of the Zionist regime in the field of soft activities (and even hard activities) are pursued through lobbies and non-governmental organizations outside the regime.


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