Comparative Analysis of Grounded Theory Approaches

Document Type : Specialized scientific


Department of Business Management- Faculty of Management and Accounting- Allameh Tabataba'i University


Grounded theory is one of the qualitative research strategies that has increasingly attracted researchers and has been used by them. Maximizing the quality of the findings of a research requires an understating of the philosophical foundations and mastery of research strategies and selecting the corresponding appropriate approach. The course of evolution in the grounded theory research strategy has led to formation of various approaches in it, which adds to the sophistication of the choice and justification of a selected approach. In order to clarify and facilitate this understanding, we have focused on the three main approaches of this research strategy namely the Classic Glaserian, Strauss and Corbin and Charmaz’s Constructivist approaches through a comparative analysis and with referring to various references via purposive sampling and so, we have studied the common and distinct aspects of these approaches. Difference in philosophical foundations and other practical considerations result in selecting a specific approach of grounded theory. The present article deeply studies common and distinct aspects of the main three approaches of grounded theory and facilitates better understanding for the researcher to overcome the challenge of selecting the appropriate approach of GT and to conduct the research with higher quality.


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