A study of the criteria of the representative of the Tsar of the Islamic Revolution from the words of Ayatollah Khamenei using the method of qualitative content analysis

Document Type : Specialized scientific


1 Resercher

2 Students of the Higher Institute of Jurisprudence and Principles


Participation in elections is one of the political participation of citizens and their rights; And in the first place, participating in the elections is the use of an inalienable right given to every citizen, and if he does not use this right, he has delegated the right to determine his own destiny to others. We have addressed the leadership in this regard.

In social research, in order to identify and solve problems, knowledge and mastery of scientific methodologies and research path are required. In this research, the method of qualitative content analysis has been used to study the words of the Supreme Leader, which can be considered as a kind of research methodology in the service of content interpretation of data.

As a result of the research, the main criteria in choosing the representative of the level of the revolution are intellectual and religious health, rule of law, compassion and having a suitable public image, courage and anti-arrogance, politicking and having morals.


Main Subjects